A Love for the Presence.

Thursday, July 30th, 2009
Multiple services in a local church, once rare, are now common.  I see a great deal of discussion regarding the practical aspects of doing this, but little on what it really takes. It really takes a Pastor and Pastoral staff that love the Presence of God. You cannot  participate in 5  or 6 services a week and really worship, pray and minister properly if you do not enjoy the Presence of God.  Without a love for the Presence it becomes routine and common. Next a disrespect for God will enter and then the end is sealed. The life of a Pastor is completely about His walk with God A Love for the Presence. A Love for the Presence. A Love for the Presence.

The Tale of Two Tears

Thursday, July 30th, 2009
 Over 19 years ago I looked into the back seat as we left the hospital and saw a tear roll down the right cheek of my wife as we brought our beautiful little daughter home. Incredible joy!!  Last Sunday afternoon I saw another tear, on that same right cheek, as we said good-bye to  our all grown up little girl going off to Bible school following God's plan for her life. (We won't even begin to talk about Dad's tears). This time the joy is mixed with a collage of pride, sadness and excitement to see her become all that God wants her to be.  What happened to the years in between?  The "first hugs" in the morning, the "why to the 21st level" the "daddy pauses" as we learned together?  The laughter as she said: let's make Dad watch a girl movie and the smile as she said let's take Dad to an action movie or looking at cars.  The times when she would just sit down and want to talk, and now the "whys" were  to understand God and His work . They grow up so fast!!!. They are born to grow up and leave. We get to help mold their thoughts and lives then watch them go out  with God's hand on them to change the world. We can still do the greatest thing we ever did for them: pray. We can still make sure they always know there is a strong family as a foundation under them so they are never afraid to reach for the impossible.   So this is what our parents felt as we went out, excited,  into the adventure of life with God? Hmmm, remind me to hug my Mom and Dad again.

Engage the Culture or True Worship?

Friday, July 24th, 2009
  There is much discussion in Christian leadership today about "engaging the Culture" of the world. I admit, I have never figured out the fascination some Christians seem to have with being accepted and loved by the world.  Jesus and Paul were very clear. We will not be loved by the world nor should we love the world. We are not a sub-culture seeking acceptance by the majority. We are a counter-culture seeking to change the world!  Radical Christianity is not engaging the culture of  the world. The real radical Christians are those who chose to live like Christ in the middle of this world.  The "ways" of this world come from satan, and we are no longer to conform to their pattern. We are citizens of heaven with an entire culture of our own.  In 2 Chronicles 33:17  we see the people of Judah having a partial reformation. They insisted however on doing worship where and how they wanted, rather than where and  how God had said. The "high places" were are part of their culture now. They wanted their culture, but just replaced their demon gods with the true God. It does not work like that!!!!!  True confession of sin means that we agree with God that we are wrong and He is right, not just partially right.

Last Minute People

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009
 There is so much pressure in life today. It seems almost crushing at times. It is good to remember Jesus's promise of rest to the worn out and stressed out. It is even better, though, to stay at peace. We know the value of peace. Psalms 34:14 teaches us to seek peace , even to run after it. Proverbs 14:30 shows us that this absence of pressure in our souls is good for our physical body.  We may need to avoid people to keep that peace. There are some people I just do not want to be around . People of strife  and last minute people. The people of strife we all understand. They just love to be in an argument about something. The most dangerous, for servant hearted people, however  is the last minute people. Learn to not allow last minute people to destroy your peace. Their lack of thought and planning should not be allowed to stress you out. Plan for interruptions brought about by needs of others,  but not by lack of thought.