
Tuesday, February 10th, 2009
Think and ask questions 5 levels deep but live on the surface of life.   It is always good to keep asking questions and thinking deeper in every situation. It is however not a good thing to live a life of layers built to deal with the perceptions of people.  Live life on the surface. It will be hard for some to understand ( like a BIR official believing you only have one set of books) but it is always best to be an “uncomplicated “person . Popularity and integrity are not the same.

A Pastor’s Life

Monday, February 9th, 2009
I preached the funeral of an old friend a few weeks ago, Ptr. Noli Cadalina.  It was such a surprise to see him called to heaven ahead of us. He was my student and friend for many years.  His laughter and corny jokes will be missed. He built a great church and loved souls. He had faith and was never afraid to follow God.  I was again reminded how different a pastor’s life is than that of a businessman. Here he spent his life building God’s house instead of a business for his family and now in death how easy it would be for his family to be forgotten and nothing for his children.  I was so proud of our pastors stepping up to make sure his kids all finish college.

A New Adventure

Sunday, February 8th, 2009
Well, we start a new adventure together with a blog.  This is to be a place of random thoughts, musings, questions and just interesting fun things in the life of a Pastor.  I hope to have all the testing worked out this week and then next week we will update you daily from Israel to share the experience together.  So stay tuned and let me know what you think.